They could have called it Canzine: The Return of the Comic Book. There was huge number of new books on offer. It seemed like every second table was a cartoonists. The following is a small sampling.
Dave Lapp and Nina Bunjevac tabled for Conundrum Press. Both are enjoying great reviews, Dave for People Around Here, Nina for Heartless. If you’re not following their blogs, well, you’re cheating your eyeballs! davelappcomics.blogspot.ca and ninabunjevac.com

No I’m not.

Hey Dalton, Adam VanHorne here. Thanks so much for mentioning our work on sequential! As well as coming by the table and picking up the comics, both I and Rodrigo really appreciate it. It was nice chatting with you for a while.
If I could just mention one correction though, the link you included in the article leads to the wrong address. It should be http://www.nipplefactoryinc.tumblr.com Not that big of a problem but just if people wanted to check out more they might need it!
Alright sorry about that. And thanks again. Hopefully we’ll run into you again at the next even.