By Salgood Sam
Catching up from our last C-List, here’s some more goodies from the interwebs. More art this time, going to try to make a habit of spotlighting cartoonists work as much as I can in these.
Item: Michael de Adder‘s cartoon for Hill Times Global on Kellie Leitch and Kevino Lleary.
Item: Joe Ollmann‘s latest gets a glowing review by Publishers Weekly. “As both a narrative and a story in pictures, this is an early candidate for the year’s best graphic biography. (Jan.)” – Re ‘The Abominable Mr. Seabrook’.
Item: Salgood Sam inking while watching crazy war film clips in Oliver Stones’ Untold History.
Item: Jemma is not expecting a relaxing flight. Catch up with the Conceptual Heist here!
Item: Diana Tamblyn’s favourite bit of 2016? “Rosie’s Stories” on Carte Blanche.
Item: A Trump Cartoon: THRONE, by Pia Guerra!
Item: FYI Bedside Press has an open submissions call for ‘Gothic Tales of Haunted Love’, a comics anthology of gothic romance stories. Looks exciting!
Item: profiles Vancouver’s Brian Fukushima (Cereal, Koyama Press) with a video “performance” of his comics art.
Item: Ty’s Last sketch for Wizard World New Orleans; Firestorm!
Item: William Byrne has a crowdfunder going here for The North Shield: A city under siege.
Item: 4 days left, to back the prairie comics fest zine! A collection of comics from creators based or formerly based in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta!
Item: Syn Studio Gathering of Masters 2016 – Round Table. “This was a great panel, caught it live this summer myself”. – Salgood Sam.
Item: James Lloyd inking some high kicking gals.
Item: Jai Granofsky doodling some comix!
Item: Renee Nault doing some of her lovely fantasy things in her sketchbook here.
Item: Denis Rodier penciling is well worth study for students of the art.
Item: New Montrealer, François Vigneault will be publishing the last part of his series Titan in May. He’s on Patreon here.
Item: Prophet Volume 5: Earth War A new trade paperback from the minds of Brandon Graham and Simon Roy collecting their thrilling PROPHET run.
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for hosting and
potentially future
content too!
We raised $156 to cover our site’s domain and hosting renewals last month, enough for over half the bill for the next 3 years on Hostpapa!
Thanks to everyone who pitched in!
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Aspirational Funding Goals: Starting between $50 and $100 cnd, we could put that into commissioning & paying for original content. If we raised $450 cnd in a short time, we could spring for a year on a VPN!