by BK Munn
The TingFest in London continues all this week. Tonight is the Small Press Spotlight event.
TONIGHT at 7pm is Small Press Spotlight! #tingfest
Sponsored by London Comic Con, this is an evening to highlight self-publishing and small press with our guests Christopher Runciman of RP Publishing and illustrator Doug Rogers. Christopher and Doug will share their new releases while discussing the ins and outs of publishing. Hosting the panel is Mike Donachie, a part-time columnist interested in comics.
This Panel Talk is free and will be followed by a book signing with new release authors.

Location: The ARTS Project
203 Dundas Street, London, ON

About Tingfest

Named after acclaimed cartoonist Merle “Ting” Tingley, Tingfest is an annual three-week celebration curated by The ARTS Project that showcases the work of past, present and future comic and graphic artists from Southwestern Ontario.