Montreal writer Benjamin Hunting and Toronto artist Joe Ng (Street Fighter, Transformers) have teamed up to create Code 45, a 5-issue graphic novel about Vanessa, a subway driver in Montreal who hears rumors that there are ‘dragons’ in the tunnels, monstrous apparitions that seemingly defy any explanation.  Along with graphic designer / letterer Angela Hodge and colorist Josh Perez, they have already exceeded their initial goal of $7k on Kickstarter with still over 20 days to go and many stretch goals to achieve.

Since Sequential is based in Montreal we may be a little biased to this, but with Toronto being represented in many great comics, it should be interesting to have a high quality comic set in Montreal. Besides the Canadian talent and location, the story is also of interest due to its combination of themes. The urban rave scene combined with fantasy creatures in a modern setting is interesting, but the strong female lead and coverage of mental health and drug use could make this a can’t miss indie comic. As a graphic novel released as 5 issues, I’d expect the story to move at a brisk pace and be more manageable than some ambitious projects. I’m excited to get my copy and see if it meets my high expectations.

If you wish to learn more see their Kickstarter campaign for details.

Brendan Montgomery

Editor in Chief , Sequential Magazine