C-List | A week in comics from the North! 2025-02-08 By: Max Douglas On: 08/02/2025 In: arts news, Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, political cartoons, Quick Notes, webcomics
The Return of the C-List 2025-02-02 By: Max Douglas On: 02/02/2025 In: arts news, Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Hey Kids, Comix!, New Books, Quick Notes, Quick Notes, Site Updates and Information, webcomics
Koyama pledges monthly arts support in Press’s final year and inspires others. 2020-01-20 By: Max Douglas On: 20/01/2020 In: arts news, Breaking News, funding, Jams and Social Ink, Ontario, philanthropy, Publishing News, Quick Notes, submissions calls
The C-List : The next issue of our Magazine, Patreon for hosting, and other news in the north! 2019-08-09 By: Max Douglas On: 09/08/2019 In: C-List, Crowd funding, Events, Hey Kids, Comix!, Previews, Quick Notes, Sequential magazine, TCAF 2020, Week in Comics
Josh Silburt Exhibition – Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 2017-06-07 By: Max Douglas On: 07/06/2017 In: Cape Breton, Comic Scholarship, Events, Nova Scotia, Quick Notes, Quick Notes
The C-List, even a quiet week is full of comics action. 2017-02-26 By: Max Douglas On: 26/02/2017 In: Breaking News, C-List, Comic Scholarship, Crowd funding, Digital, Events, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, Jams and Social Ink, Just because, Media on Comic, New Books, Publishing News, Quick Notes, webcomics, Week in Comics
C-List | Big lists of lists 2017-02-08 By: Max Douglas On: 08/02/2017 In: C-List, Digital, Events, Hey Kids, Comix!, Jams and Social Ink, New Books, Quick Notes, webcomics
The C-List – Canadian English 2017-01-16 By: Max Douglas On: 16/01/2017 In: Alberta, C-List, Events, Guelph, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, Montreal, Pretty Pictures, Publishing News, Quick Notes, Quick Notes, Toronto, webcomics, Week in Comics, Windsor
C-list! Super every man, Sweet Romance, and stuff coming up! 2015-02-06 By: Max Douglas On: 06/02/2015 In: C-List, Events, Guelph, Hey Kids, Comix!, Montreal, Mortimer the Slug, New Books, Quick Notes, Vancouver
Quick Notes on Super Cops: Or, Jesus, Could Frank Thorne Draw Comics or What? 2014-09-08 By: Bryan Munn On: 08/09/2014 In: Quick Notes, Quick Notes, Reviews