- 365 Days author Julie Doucet is profiled in the National Post: “probably the most acclaimed or respected female cartoonist of her generation,” says Peter Birkemoe, owner of Toronto comic shop The Beguiling (which also sells Doucet’s artwork).
- Graphic novels help teach kids Inuktitut in Nunavut.
- A quickie interview with Nepean, Ont.-based Craig Taillefer of Wahoo Morris fame, from the Carleton University student paper.
- Lynn Johnston changes her strip again. 2007’s biggest comics newsmaker tells Editor and Publisher she is tweaking the nature of her long-running comic strip yet again this year:
The current plan: Continue tying up loose ends with various “FBorFW” characters (a process that’s taking longer than Johnston expected). Then, no later than this September, freeze all these cast members in time. After that, the 1979-launched comic will focus on the younger versions of the characters.
But that doesn’t mean the post-September strips will consist entirely of rerun material. Johnston plans to change various elements of the comics, create new story lines, etc. — but do all that in the drawing style she used to have.