Elfsar Closing, Calgary Expo mystery continues and more.
Item: Elfsar Books to close May 23. Ethan Peacock, owner of the Vancouver comic shop, cites the iPad and high rents as reasons. Plans big bash for Free Comic Book Day, this Saturday May 1st.
Item: Calgary Metro says that the 2 arrests for debit card skimming are not related to the investigation of skimming at the Comic Expo, as we linked to yesterday.
Item: The best article I’ve read about the intro of a non-closeted gay character into Archie comics (doesn’t anyone remember Pepper?) is by Lisa Foad for Xtra.
Item: What the F? Tom Spurgeon has a new book out today on John Romita? Preview.
Item: Regina court artist creates kids comic, in the running for “Small Press Idol”.
Item: Yardley Jones is gonna be 80!