Item: Lest we forget, Kevin Plummer writes an excellent historical article about the Canadian soldier cartoonists of WWII for the Torontoist. Remembrance day is coming up and what better time to learn about legendary names like Les Callan and Bing Coughlin!
Item: In other war comics related news, a review of Scott Chantler’s Two Generals graphic memoir from John Lucas of the Georgia Straight.
Item: The dvd of the Scott Pilgrim movie comes out today and the cast and creators have been doing alot of press to boost sales. The Toronto Star’s Cassandra Szklarski rehearses it’s box office performance and gets a few snippets from the director and cartoonist Bryan Lee O’Malley about how it didn’t find it’s audience.
Item: Eye Weekly catches the word on how the Ryan North edited Machine of Death anthology, with illos by cartoonists, beat Glenn Beck on the Amazon sales chart.
Item: Patrick Berube has stepped down as editor of the Comic Book Bin. Patrick guided the site for 3 years and is moving on to a new job. While with the bin he helped launch an Apple app as well as several columns. Best wishes to Patrick in his future endeavours.