Hobbystar’s Toronto Comicon took place this past weekend. This year’s event takes the place of the Fan Expo Fan Appreciation Day of years past, merging it with the Spring anime event for something more reminiscent of the larger FanExpo which takes place in August.
I couldn’t make it to the show, but thanks to the internet, I feel like I did. Now you can too:
(Not sure of the exact origin of the photo above but it is of fan Jason Shayer and artist George Perez, with a picture of the Jack Kirby/Stan Lee co-creation Thor, drawn by Perez on commish)
Item! The show kicked off Friday night with a party hosted as part of a promotion, I think, by the website g33kpron, who have posted a photoset. The
Item! G33kpron has a more general photoset of the show here.
Item! Kevin Boyd has a succinct appraisal at The Joe Shuster Awards blog, with a note bout the new format for the show: “Chances are pretty good that the formula will be repeated again in 2013.”
Item! J.M Clark has a short report with a podcast attached: “There was an obvious lack of cos-play at the event. Costume of the day had to go to Bane. Very nicely done. Most who did bother to suit up were, of course, the Manga kids. The Manga kids, dressing up in their completely awkward, over sized, obscure, foam laden costumes with fifteen foot accessories clogging up the aisles for us respectable comic hunters. Fuck Manga.”
Item! BlogTO did a street style feature at the show.
Item! Adam Gorham has a report from the point of view of a vendor at the Big Sexy Comics table.
Item! Of course, Toronto Batman made an appearance.
Item! As did Toronto Tank Girl.
Item! Andrew Young of the Geek Hard podcast has a recap of the people he talked to for his show.
Item! Evan Annett covered the show on Day One and Day Two, and even did a couple of those Storify posts where you can link up people’s tweets and instagram photos into a semi-coherent narrative.
Item! Cosplay group and Korean bbq.
Item! Wired magazine’s Geek Dad, Roy Wood, took some snaps at the show.
Item! The nominees for the Constellation Awards, the Canadian sci-fi film awards, were announced at the con.
Item! The Toronto-based website Comic Book Daily usually has some good coverage. So far you can see Day 1 photos, and photos of Day 2.
Item! The triumphant return of Jason Truong and a Saturday con report, of sorts.
Item! The view from the crafters’ end of Artist Alley.
Item! A nice photo-set from a con virgin.
Item! A nice long-ish artist-centric con report from colourist Keiren Smith.
Item! Shopping for comics at the con.
Item! Frank Cho’s blog has some photos of the artist at the con.
Item! Some video I did not watch.
Item! Willow Dawson at the con.
Item! Ranting vlog guy.
Item! Alex Hoffman writes up the con for Bleeding Cool and mentions that the name change/amalgamation may be a clever marketing move to head off Wizard World Toronto, which is coming up in April.
Item! Toronto Comicon page on Facebook.
Item! The flickr results for Toronto Comicon 2012
Item! The Youtube video results from Toronto Comicon 2012.
still updating — more to come!