A quick look back at the comics news stories from Sequential this week:
Friday: Colin Upton won the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo prize for his graphic memoir, Diabetes Funnies.
Thursday: Thanks to the fundraising efforts of anti-censorship organizations on both sides of the border, Canada Customs dropped its totally unfounded charges against a manga fan from the U.S. This is the big story of the week. Not that the charges were dropped, but that they even exist in the first place, and that the Canadian government randomly searches the computers of visitors and arrests them based on humourous drawings they have stored. They ruined this guy’s life, violated his rights, and the legal bill put him in debt $45,000.
Also on Thursday, news about Canada’s largest printer (of comic books among other things), and the National Newspaper Awards nominations for editorial cartooning were announced.
Tuesday: Sequential rounded up all the news, links and photos from last weekend’s Toronto Comicon. Did we miss your report?
Sunday: The death of French cartoonist Jean Girard, aka Moebius. Exploring the tenuous connection between Moebius and his Canadian fans.