Max here. This is a roundup of things me and the rest of the Sequential crew have been posting the fan page.

[wpcol_2fifth id=”” class=”” style=””]Item: First, we got a nice mention by Dom Leduc on his blog at Journal de Montreal.! 🙂

Item: blogTO has posted a pair of glowing pieces on the Silver Snail’s new digs, and in house cafe.

ItemCreators! Submit! ComiXology, the market-leading digital comics distributor–ComiXology shipped its 100 millionth download this week–announced it has opened Its platform to independent artists. That is potentially huge, and they are offering to handle the technical details of formatting the story into the company’s Guided View display engine, for free. Having started but abandoned the DIY option on their main competitor  that sounds very appealing.
Item: Dalton posted “After years of roadblock, opportunities for indie comics on digital platforms seem to be coming fast and furious.” in reference to a sexy new app called Emanata. I quite like their two promotional clips with cartoonists Damien JayAnsis Purins.
Item: I just found Joan Steacy’s studio and Blog![/wpcol_2fifth] [wpcol_3fifth_end id=”” class=”” style=””]Item: Our friends behind True Patriot gets some front page love for their project from Indiegogo.
On a personal note I didn’t notice a whole lot of a boost when the same happened for my recent project. It’s nice but don’t think you can rest easy. I’d encourage anyone wanting to see True Patriot happen, should back it, but also take some time to share it with your friends on your social networks, give it the vigorous two thumbs up! I wrote more than 600 people and 200 stores for mine. Counting posts and emails, easily 1000 people In the end. About 10% of them backed it. You have to aim wide I think.  I’m sure J. Torres and co are doing the same. It’s a surprising amount of work! I’m hoping they raise their goal. A lot of people who’s work I like is in here, not to mention some good old friends  So i’m all in. I was going to go all digital, but feeling a bit like I could afford it this week i’ve pre-ordered a hard copy too.
Sub Item: True Patriot is a Flexible Funding campaign, something unique to Indiegogo. I used the same for mine, as did the producers of the biographical short A Lesson to You All. The strength of it is a project can come close and still get underway, as the in the case of the David Boswell bio-pic. And you can re-submit a project to try to raise funds if you fall short. Very powerful tool, I highly recommend. Just make sure to factor in your fees and shipping!
Item:  Part One of an interview with Dave Sim from the ebook release of PANEL TO PANEL (available soon at
ItemJason Copland posted [image below]: I wonder what she is going to say…? Find out soon at One Pane limprov![/wpcol_3fifth_end]
Item:  Samuel Agro told us he contributed to an anthology from Alterna comics called Horror in the West, which hits the stands wednesday  They got a very favorable review on Horror Talk.
ItemNYCC: IDW Announce Kill Shakespeare: The Tide of Blood – on Comics Beat!
ItemThe Evolution of “The Art of Todd McFarlane” – Part 1 – on Comic Book Resources
ItemCBR TV: Hope Larson Talks “A Wrinkle In Time” – Video on Comic Book Resources
ItemNYCC 2012 – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Vol. 2 Collector’s Edition on Sale – on Graphic Policy
Item:  Keith Grachow  posts some great digital paintings, portraits and characters.