By Salgood Sam
Item: – Doug Cudmore, a senior Toronto newspaper editor with Ernest Hemingway’s old outfit, has self-published a new book called ‘Super Steve‘. Cudmore describes it as “an adult superhero novel – sitting exactly in the cracks between several genres.”.
It starts like just another in long string of Friday nights: Steve Janson again fools himself into thinking he’ll go for a stress-busting, head-clearing run, only to end up at the local Sav-N-Lo picking up a pack of Doritos. But when he ends up bleeding on the floor after a robbery gone wrong, and a mysterious stranger steps in to save his life, he finds himself living every man’s dream. Or is that nightmare? In any case, he’s a superhero.
Item: – Patrick Kyle’s contribution to kuš!, ‘Sweet Romance’ is now online: If you prefer print, get it at!
Item: – I missed this, here’s some photos from the launch of PLANCHES 02. At Cheval Blanc in Montreal, looks like it was a nice evening. Published by Éditions de La Pastèque, the anthology showcases the work of Bach [Estelle Bachelard], Bado, Sophie Bédard, Paul B [Bordeleau], Olivier Bisson, Boum, Antonin Buisson, Cathon, Cyril Doisneau, Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau, Vincent Giard, Michel Hellman, Iris, Yan Mongrain, David Labrecque, Obom, Jipi Perreault, Julie Rocheleau, Saturnome, Richard Suicide & François Samson-Dunlop!
Item: – Free online to read is “Watch Me” by Georgia Webber, presented by THEHAIRPIN.COM. Georgia has recently been getting some deserved attention for her work on ‘Dumb‘.
Item: – Also free online! AURORA BOREALICE, the first book of Joan Steacy’s autobio/graphic novel trilogy is now being posted online for your perusal. Two new pages a week will go up over the course of the year, while she works on the next book.
Item: – Have you seen Michael DeForge’s Speedy Ortiz – Foil Deer comic? Or subscribed to his patreon cartoons? I have actually. 🙂
Item: – Mortimer the Slug! Read about the grumbly adventures of Kyp Harness’ terrestrial gastropod mollusc hero, in the ‘Advent of Dave the Dust Particle‘.
Item: – “Calling all print media artists: The Kazoo! Print Expo is looking for exhibitors for 2015.” The Expo is part of Kazoo! Fest, a 5-day annual music and arts festival in Guelph, Ontario. 2015 will be the 8th year featuring over 30 musical performances and visual and media art installations across downtown Guelph. The Kazoo! Print Expo will be held at Mitchell Hall (99 Woolwich St, Guelph) on Saturday, April 11th. Doors open from 11am till 4pm and only on the one day of the festival. Tables are 16$, “and free coffee will be provided all day”.
If you are an illustrator, printmaker, small publisher, comic or zine artist, they invite you to apply. Items at the expo include (but are not limited to) comics, zines, posters, books, art prints, postcards, illustrations, newsletters, t-shirts. To apply, please email samples, photos, and descriptions of your work to For more information leading up to the event, you can follow us on twitter @kazooprintexpo
Item: – And last off, I’ve been posting a lot of stuff on YouTube lately! here’s a playlist of the latest! Its part of promoting my Patreon campaign. Which by the way is in part for keeping up the blog here too, and even expanding on things maybe with more paid for original content for the site! I’d love to hire more freelance writers. Also, by the by, I’ll be coming to VanCAF this May! If enough people joined the patreon drive and subscribed to Spilt Ink, it might help a lot in 4 months to offset the travel costs! 😉