It’s been awhile since we’ve done a link round-up here, but comics doesn’t stop just because ye olde Sequential is on an unscheduled Summer laziness-based hiatus.
ITEM! The Provincial Archives of Alberta has posted a 1956 pamphlet to Facebook called “What’s Wrong With Comic Books?” Produced by the government-funded Advisory Board on Objectionable Publications, the guide is chock full of debatable comments about literacy and other Wertham-esque claims, including doozies like “All comics are detrimental to good reading skills.”
ITEM! Last week Big B Comics in Niagara Falls had a launch party for its newest attraction, the Canadian Comics Corner, a display of historical artifacts drawn from owner Walter Durajlija’s collection. The mini-museum drew a who’s who of comics researchers, publishers and collectors, with a special emphasis on the Canadian Whites and Canuck superheroes. Ivan Kockmarek has a tour of the collection here. Comix Asylum made a video:
ITEM! D+Q has announced they will be publishing Peter Bagge’s newest comics biography of a neglected woman from 20th-Century U.S. history, following on the heels of last year’s Marageret Sanger bio. The new one is about Harlem Renaissance folklorist and novelist Zora Neale Hurston. I remember Mary Fleener covered similar territory with her classic Hoodoo back in the 80s, but the marketplace isn’t exactly crowded with Zora Neale material. The book, titled Fire: The Zora Neale Hurston Story, is due for Winter 2017. Full press release here.
ITEM! TCAF is once again going to Japan to exhibit at the Tokyo International Comic Festival in November. They are taking along some Canadian cartoonists, including exhibitors Jillian Tamaki and Michael DeForge, but are also looking for more. You have to pay your own expenses but get to be part of the Canadian delegation. Interested partiers should check out the full FAQ here and get back to the organizers before the end of June.
ITEM! A tour of 1940s cartoonist and illustrator Jack Tremblay’s apartment.
ITEM! Faith Erin Hicks talks about going pro in 2008 and her journey from unemployed animator to full-time cartoonist who can say “I have a four book deal with my publisher First Second, I have ten published graphic novels under my belt (and an Eisner Award!!!!)”
ITEM! Nina Bunjevac talks to Vice about her award-winning Fatherland: “In Croatia the response has been wonderful. The ministry of education ordered 185 copies of the book for the libraries immediately. It was really flattering because they actually contacted my publisher. There were so many amazing reviews. In Serbia I’ve had positive feedback, but the book just came out so it’s still early, we’ll how it goes. The important thing is the Serbian edition is the first book that was published as a joint effort between a Serbian and Croatian publishing house since the war. It was nice because the book made it home.”