By Salgood Sam

synthologoy01Hey readers, so for a little while now I’ve been teaching art part time at Syn Studio in Montreal, and as of this past semester a Comics course as well. Two in fact. Making Comics and Making Comics Advanced, recently re designated 101 and 201.  The students in the program work on making short comic stories and we collect those into an anthology comic published on the class site, the Syn Studio blog, and here on Sequential too!

So, with that, here’s the first official Syn-Thology, Vol.1! I’ve set it up on Issue for ease of reading and sharing online, and you can also download a PDF copy for free via this link, just right-click and save it! It’s 55 MB and 74 pages of student comics! Enjoy the short stories here, the students turned in some pretty accomplished stuff. The cover art is something I did for the SALON BD MTL, held for the first time during the semester. It was colored with assistance from John Gosselin. Special mention as well to the Copic wielding D-Erika Philippe, who contributed 5 colorful done in one stores that provided perfect pace breakers between longer stories here. The issue features…

All stories and art are © 2015 the original authors. The Syn-Thology is published by Spilt Ink & Syn Studio under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons license.