Updated updates: seems there was some doubt about this, some of the sources had pulled thier posts but an update to his personal blog confirms now what we heard via freinds’ of his.
By Salgood Sam

darwyn_cookeToday we learned that comics hero Darwyn Cooke, is in palliative care after treatment for an aggressive cancer. His wife shared the sad news on his blog this morning. Update: And just after posting this, that he has passed away.

After an early stab at comics in the early 80s, Darwyn made a name for himself in publishing primarily as a designer in Toronto; an experience he’s cited as invaluable in teaching him about self-discipline and professionalism. In 2000 opportunity knocked and Darwyn made a bold re entry into comics with Batman: Ego. That led to a string of freelance gigs drawing X-Force, Wolverine, Doop, & Spider-Man. In 2001 he got to redesign Catwoman with Ed Brubaker, introducing us to a much more modern take on the character. And in 2004 he gave us the award-winningThe New Frontier‘ limited Series/Graphic Novel.

He’s had many more star turns in the world of superhero comics, building a huge fan base for his bold retro lines and pitch perfect storytelling. And starting with the first in 2009, his adaptations of Richard Stark’s Parker series, The HunterThe OutfitThe Score, & Slayground, have all been very well received! I especially enjoy those myself.

While he’s caught some criticism for his involvement with the Before Watchmen books, over the last decade and a half Cooke has carved a name for himself in comics history that will not soon be forgotten, and his reputation as a friend and colleague is legend.

I couldn’t exaggerate how many people hoped for the best for the one day we knew he was ill, before final news of his death came.

I’ve read that folks looking to help in some way, are encouraged to donate to the Canadian Cancer Society in Cooke’s name, and the Hero Initiative here!
Cooke’s original artwork is represented and sold by Albert Moy. Explore his bibliography here.

After the jump, you’ll find some of the art that helped make Darwyn Cooke a giant of the north!