Time to renew the hosting fees!
Care to help out?
Hello Sequential readers! There’s about 1000 to 2000 of you a month in 2016, not a huge audence by any imagination, smaller lately due to it being pretty quiet around here this year. We need some new bloggers for sure. In past more active years we’ve had a few times that, up to and over 20000 a month.
My plan has always been to keep the site alive in perpetuity, but the hosting fees have gone up quite a bit since the last time we paid in 2014, almost double. Jan 7th I have to pay $251.64 CDN. Not an onerous amount but right now for me, a fairly noticeable chunk of change. So I thought I’d try passing the hat for some of it. I’m embedding a paypal button in this post. Any amount you can pitch in would help out a lot.
While I’m at it, again we’d like to bring in some fresh blood, Sequential is largely a volunteer operation, so we can’t promise you much. But if you’re a fan of comics, self directed, write, interested in helping to highlight the work of Canadian creators, and ideally know how to use WordPress to compose posts, drop us a line!
Cheers, and happy holidays!
Max aka Salgood Sam – Publisher