Last Month for Vancouver Indy Comic Shop Rx
by BK Munn
The long-running Vancouver institution Rx Comics is set to close by the end of the month, according to a widely-shared online announcement. The store, located at 2418 Main Street, has been in business for 14 years and has served the Vancouver comics community valiantly with an indy-friendly, alt-comics vibe and a wide selection of hard-to-find and imported comics, a big back-issue section, as well as being a popular weekly LCS for many.
The store was a community hub for many local cartoonists, writers, and comics-industry movers-and-shakers. The management cites “simple economics” as the reason for its closing and the announcement comes amid some rumours of industry-wide struggles on the retail level.
While North American comics sales are at record levels, individual stores, especially in competitive marketplaces with high rents are finding it hard to make a go of things. The store will continue as an online presence (eBay) and at shows in the immediate future.
Here is the announcement:
Yes, you read that right. Rx Comics will be closing it’s doors permanently at the end of January. There are many factors that have lead to this decision, but mostly it comes down to simple economics. We just can’t afford to keep the store open anymore.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our loyal customers who have made the last 14 years possible. We most certainly couldn’t have come this far without you.
This Wednesday will be our last (almost) full shipment of new comics. Unfortunately, there will be no Image comics this week (with the exception of the corrected copies of Saga #41) and starting next week we may have a few odd titles trickling in, but we will not have anything from the big publishers. We do apologize for the short notice, and hope that the other stores around town will be able to help you get your weekly fix of new stuff.
If you are wondering what will become of Rx, don’t worry, you will still be able to find us on eBay and at local conventions.
If you are wondering about a big closing out sale, don’t worry. It’s coming, and it’s going to be a blockbuster, so stay tuned for more info on that soon.
If you currently have a subscription with us we will hold on to your stuff until the end of the month, so you will have until then to come and pick up what’s waiting for you. If you don’t think you will be able to make it in before then, but would still like to get your comics, you can call or message us so we can make other arrangements.
Thanks again to all of our customers for your support, and even though this may be sad news for many of you, it is a necessary step, and we hope that the new year will bring positive changes for all of us.”