by BK Munn
The Winnipeg Architecture Foundation presents an exhibit of original comic book art on the theme of cities and the connection between the comics grid and the construction of buildings. Participating cartoonists include Seth, Michael Cho, Hartley Lin, Alison McCreesh, David A. Robertson & GMB Chomichuk, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Julie Delporte, Jeff Lemire, Tasha Spillett & Natasha Donovan, David Lester, and Michel Rabagliati. Curated by Mariana Munoz Gomez and Candida Rifkind, the show runs from May 3 to June 30, with an opening reception May 4th.
Architecture + Comics: Canadian Cartoonists and the City
Winnipeg Architecture Foundation
266 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg
May 3-June 30th, 2019