We just mentioned Koyama Press’ Scholarship program in today’s C-List; they are selecting one applicant to sponsor there in May. But bigger news arguably showed up in my feed just after posting that care of Conan Tobias [ici].

Annie wrote the Quill and Quire some details like that she’s will “focus on BIPOC & LGBTQ2 artists and other underserved communities.” and that she isn’t considering only visual artists, but all arts workers.

Q+Q also noted that the announcement on facebook inspired others to pledge to do the same as well so hopefully her efforts will be amplified even more! We’ll see how much of that makes it into action but lovely to see.

As Koyama Press begins its final full year, the treasured graphica publisher is preparing to give its followers more than its usual roster of provocative comics, art books, and zines. Last week, publisher Annie Koyama announced Koyama Press Provides, a monthly program to benefit artists and Koyama fans.

Ryan Porter for the Quill & Quire : January 20th, 2020

Annie posted the first give and her plans on facebook here…

Introducing Koyama Press Provides: a monthly program of giving.

For the next year, we will endeavour to give something each month. This will take multiple forms, such as a membership, a gift certificate, a micro grant, or even advice.

These opportunities will, more often than not, be open to our followers and will be presented across our social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Each month we will use a different platform, so be sure to check them all out if you wish to participate.

For our first event, Koyama Press Provides 10 Annual Passes to the Art Gallery of Ontario (for ages 26+, everyone younger is free!). Reply below with what Koyama Press artist you would like to see hung in the AGO, and we will select up to 10 new pass holders from the responses! Responses will be accepted until 31 January!

Annie KoyamaJanuary 14 at 1:57 PM