Expozine 2016! 2016-11-12 By: Max On: 12/11/2016 In: Breaking News, Comics, Events, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, Quebec
Oops, We Missed the Prix Expozine Winners 2016-06-30 By: Bryan On: 30/06/2016 In: Awards, Breaking News
Spilt Ink's Expozine 2014 Report! 2014-11-18 By: Max On: 18/11/2014 In: Events, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, New Books, Sequential Pulp
The C-List: Happy Birthday Inkstuds! 2009-11-18 By: Bryan On: 18/11/2009 In: British Columbia, C-List, Montreal, New Books, Vancouver