more spooky links and human-animal mix-ups from the world of Canadian comics…
Item! A scary portfolio of Rob Ford inspired street art.
Item! New from Editions 400 Coups: Lionel et Nooga, Fahrenheit 14 by Duguay & Goulet & Vaillancourt.
Item! Michel Rabagliati’s new Paul book, Paul au Parc comes out in a few weeks. Kevin Boyd has all the details en Anglais.
Item! Boy, that Toronto Draws Tintin show has recruited some heavy hitters, including Chester Brown.
Item! Thoughts on the Alpha Flight cancellation: Evan Annett compares Alpha Flight fans to Leafs fans. (He also has a map of Alpha Flight appearances.) Chris Butcher blames this blog. The response at the AlphaFlight.Net fan forums here and here. And finally, just because, Kate Beaton’s Alpha Flight celebrate Thanksgiving.
Item! Joe Ollman was the featured guest on the CBC radio show Tapestry this past Sunday. The subject? Midlife.
Item! Pascal Blanchet and Isabelle Arsenault provide the art for some milk cartons.
Item! Halloween image of the day: Jasper by James Simpkins.